Reprographic fees

Devices and media

Fees apply to any business that manufactures or imports reprographic devices (copiers, scanners, fax machines, printers, etc.) into Poland, regardless of the country of origin, for sale in Poland.
The fee applies to devices capable of copying works of any size, also on paper sheets larger than A3 (A3 and A4 formats).
You can only settle the fee (mentioned in Article 20 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act) through the the Fee Accounting and Records System. Registration and use of the system are available to all businesses.
Fees apply to any business that manufactures or imports reprographic devices (copiers, scanners, fax machines, printers, etc.) into Poland, regardless of the country of origin, for sale in Poland.
The fee applies to devices capable of copying works of any size, also on paper sheets larger than A3 (A3 and A4 formats).
You can only settle the fee (mentioned in Article 20 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act) through the the Fee Accounting and Records System. Registration and use of the system are available to all businesses.
Determination of the fee
Once you enter the required data in the Fee Accounting and Records System, system (number of devices, sale price/value, device category), the system automatically calculates the exact fee payable to the KOPIPOL Association. No further operations are needed.
Settlement periods and deadlines:
- quarter I (1 January – 31 Marcg) – payable by 14 April
- quarter II (1 April – 30 June) – payable by 14 July
- quarter III (1 July – 30 September) – payable by 14 October
- quarter IV (1 October – 31 December) – payable by 14 January
Determination of the fee
Once you enter the required data in the Fee Accounting and Records System, system (number of devices, sale price/value, device category), the system automatically calculates the exact fee payable to the KOPIPOL Association. No further operations are needed.
Settlement periods and deadlines:
quarter I (1 January – 31 Marcg) – payable by 14 April
quarter II (1 April – 30 June) – payable by 14 July
quarter III (1 July – 30 September) – payable by 14 October
quarter IV (1 October – 31 December) – payable by 14 January

Photocopy shops

Anyone who provides reprographic services is obliged to pay the fee. This includes services that use devices such as photocopiers, scanners, or printers. The fee applies if these devices are used to reproduce (make photocopies, scans, or prints) copyrighted works.
You can only settle the fee (mentioned in Article 20 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act) through the the Fee Accounting and Records System. Registration and use of the system are available to all photocopy shops.
Anyone who provides reprographic services is obliged to pay the fee. This includes services that use devices such as photocopiers, scanners, or printers. The fee applies if these devices are used to reproduce (make photocopies, scans, or prints) copyrighted works.
You can only settle the fee (mentioned in Article 20 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act) through the the Fee Accounting and Records System. Registration and use of the system are available to all photocopy shops.
Instruction on how to calculate the fee:
The fee you owe depends on the intensity of reproduction (percentage of copyrighted works copied):
- Low (up to 25%): 1% of gross receipts from reprographic services (photocopying, printing, scanning)
- Medium (25-75%): 1.5% of gross receipts
- High (over 75%): 3% of gross receipts
KOPIPOL's Share:
- Half of the collected fee goes to KOPIPOL to support authors.
Settlement periods and deadlines:
- quarter I (1 January – 31 Marcg) – payable by 14 April
- quarter II (1 April – 30 June) – payable by 14 July
- quarter III (1 July – 30 September) – payable by 14 October
- quarter IV (1 October – 31 December) – payable by 14 January
Instruction on how to calculate the fee:
The fee you owe depends on the intensity of reproduction (percentage of copyrighted works copied):
Low (up to 25%): 1% of gross receipts from reprographic services (photocopying, printing, scanning)
Medium (25-75%): 1.5% of gross receipts
High (over 75%): 3% of gross receipts
KOPIPOL's Share:
Half of the collected fee goes to KOPIPOL to support authors.
Settlement periods and deadlines:
quarter I (1 January – 31 Marcg) – payable by 14 April
quarter II (1 April – 30 June) – payable by 14 July
quarter III (1 July – 30 September) – payable by 14 October
quarter IV (1 October – 31 December) – payable by 14 January
KOPIPOL, an organization authorized to collect copyright fees on behalf of authors, conducts regular inspections of businesses offering reprographic services (photocopying, scanning, printing) for personal use.
The inspections aim to ensure that businesses comply with copyright laws and pay the required fee, assist businesses in calculating the correct fee amount, offer guidance, and answer questions regarding the fee.
Inspection process involves nationwide on-site visits by two authorized KOPIPOL representatives. Each representative carries a valid identification card and specific authorization for the inspection.
Legal Basis:
Article 48 of the Act on Collective Management of Copyright authorizes KOPIPOL to access necessary information for calculating fees.
Implementing provisions to Article 20(1) of the Copyright Act empowers KOPIPOL to obtain information for fee calculations.